Monday, April 16, 2007

The Answer Is: Sea Salt and an Iron

The question is: How do you get petroleum jelly out of the carpet?

We are indebted to the curiosity of Samuel for this rather effective home remedy.

As I walked in the door I looked across the table into the living room to see my wife and son sitting on their knees facing eachother. The closer I walked to them the picture came into focus. Samuel was, bubbly as ever, casting a big smile to me as he said "Hi Daddy!" I replied with a hello and noticed the glistening shine on Samuels hands, and on his shirt, and his pants. It was at this point that I recognized what it was that was separating the mother and son. There on the floor was a medium pizza size blob of petroleum jelly, at which Samuel was pointing and saying "Funny!!"

It was impossible to keep straight faced while I explained how not funny it was.
Peace, AJV

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