Monday, October 22, 2007

A conversation.

It is a funny thing to have children at different ages. Age difference becomes specifically obvious in the realm of speech development. Samuel is now a three year old with a conversation level vocabulary. He can answer questions appropriately, and interact with you through discourse. We have become used to this level of interaction with our offspring.
See the thing is that the modus operendi of sweet little Abigail is mostly dahdahdahdahs, mamamamamas, and hoooohhs(with slobber).

So I sat down with her the other day:

ME: is all this going here? Do you like it?

ABI: Dadadadadamamamama.

ME: Yeah, that's cool.

ABI: (non-verbal and trying to eat a dolls head)

ME: Good talk Sweety.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

This week in pictures.

In our neighborhood you have to have a bit of an edgy look.

Hey!! Hay.

I have heard that the fluttering of a butterfly's wings can effect climate change on the other side of the planet.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Samuel goes to camp

This past week Samuel went on his first camping trip.

Sand Lakes Quiet Area was the destination.

Several discoveries were made throughout the trip. Some by Samuel (the wilderness isn't plumbed with flush toilets, and it's encouraged by my dad to go pee in the woods), and some by myself (pyromania is linked to the Y chromosome, as is whacking things with sticks and throwing rocks into perfectly still lakes).