Saturday, September 29, 2007

Good bye 2, bring it on 3!


We celebrated Samuel's 3rd trip around the sun with a bulldozer cake this month. Thank you to Samuel's mom and his Aunt Liz for the cake. It looked and tasted great. No less than nine Tibetan sherpas were required to carry in all the frosting for the cake.

This birthday ushered in a new phase of present opening. For the first time in his short life Samuel has more interest in the thing wrapped than in the wrapping paper.
Those in attendance were Ohma, Aunt Hannah, Aunt Liz, Grandma and Grandpa, and Nana, and Papa .

Samuel, Abigail, Sarah, and I capped off the day with some pizza and The Little Mermaid.


....ahh yes here is the page I was looking for.

It seems to me that if I could just pull myself up onto my hind legs like these well dressed gentlemen I could cover so much more ground.

Yeah..I've oh nevermind. Anyone know a good rickshaw puller?

Friday, September 21, 2007


So glad to see you all.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Celebrating the achievements of life.

Can we all give Samuel a big high 5 for keeping em' high and dry!

Got Milk???

Curls by genetics,
Mustache by milk.